C.A.S.T for Kid’s Foundation hosts annual fishing and boating events across America to provide children with special needs a quality outdoor recreational experience. Our very own Todd Stanley started the Lake Folsom event several years ago by actively encouraging community involvement. Today Todd is an event coordinator and enjoys volunteering with others to host the Folsom Lake event. The community comes together to create memorable experiences for kids and their families by taking them out to fish, BBQ, and sending them home with a plaque.
C.A.S.T. encourages exposure to the sport of fishing and the enjoyment of the outdoors. If you’d like to get involved with C.A.S.T. for Kids, please contact our agency for information or visit their website: castforkids.org/events/folsom.
The El Dorado, CA Bass Club holds 11 fishing tournaments annually where boaters and non-boaters compete to catch the “Big Fish” and qualify for the Tournament of Champions held at the end of the season. Tournaments are held on the Camanche, Delta, Folsom, New Hogan, Oroville, Pardee, Union Valley, and Clear Lakes. JTR is proud to be the Big Fish sponsor for each tournament throughout the year and wishes all the competitors the best of luck out on the water. If you’d like more information about the El Dorado Bass Club, please contact our agency.